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I am Aniesh from Bangalore. I’m very new to Salesforce and began exploring the platform about 3 months ago. Started my journey with #trailhead a few weeks ago. I came across Mayank via Twitter. He was 5x certified then, little did I know that this man will agree to be my mentor and help me out in this #journeyofsalesforce. I wrote him a detailed email with my educational background, work experience and why I was considering #Salesforce for my career in Cloud Computing. Glad that he replied in detail #Congratulating me on my decision to choose the platform and tips on how to get started addressing questions on learning, finding a job etc. 2 weeks later- I find myself stuck in the UI Customization module of the Admin trail. I sat for more than 2 hrs to complete the 1st challenge in the UI series but I couldn’t move further due to a simple mistake. Approached Mayank via twitter, wrote him a detailed email with 3 screenshots of my issue and expected a reply in a few hours cursing myself for writing such a big email. Quick, came the reply via twitter itself. Was surprised but all that I had to do was make a minor change and that not only helped me complete my challenge but also gave me the desired output of seeing any contact name in my contact list on Google via the ‘Google Info’ custom button.  Thanks a lot Mayank for helping me when I hit the #deadend. You continue to #Inspire me learn more and make a Career @Salesforce.